Episode 46 - 23/06/2019

- Children's Corner - children's poetry by Duško Radović and Kolibri choir
- Remember 70's - selected songs by Bisera Veletanlić and Korni grupa
- Zoran Kesić gigs about current events in Serbia and the Balkans
- PLJiŽ - Petrović, Ljubičić and Žanetić on N1 television - their view on current events in Serbia
- Zaplanje in stories of Negoslava Stanojević
- Danijela's Corner - The Belgrade Tales - Insurance company by Danijela Kambasković Schwartz
- Recollections of Prof. Čemerikić about Serbs in Prizren during XX century recorded by Sanja Čupić

Episode 46 - 23/06/2019


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